Dr. Turki Alotabi

KAUST Academy Alumni


Turki Alotabi, KAUST Academy Almuni, Computer Science Student at King Saud University, and Data science intern at Saudi AZM.

All sessions by Dr. Turki Alotabi

Investing in the Future of Academic Achievement in the Kingdom  - Chair: Abdulrahim Alghamdi
09:00 AM
Mr. Abdulrahim Alghamdi

Academy General Manager, KAUST

Prof. George M. Turkiyyah

Professor, Applied Mathematics & Computational Science, KAUST

Prof. Najla Altwaijry

General Manager, Education Centre of Excellence, Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority

Dr. Turki Alotabi

KAUST Academy Alumni

Dr. Saud Alfaadhel

CEO, Academy 32, KACST Academy

Prof.  Omar Knio

Assoc VP,Nat'l Part,Eng'ment,&Acad Liais, National Priorities & Int'l Partnerships
